Sri Lanka is home to a stunning variety of delicious, healthy, nutritional fruits and veggies as well as spices. All of which come with their own unique textures, tastes and even healing properties. Overtime and with the influence of various cultures, we have developed a long list of chutneys and pickles. Unfortunately, most of these were forgotten with time, locked away, out of sight and out of mind. Most often as handwritten notes in books kept by our mothers and grandmothers.
As such the only chutneys available are the ones that are mass produced with harmful chemicals and large amounts of sugar. You can find an abundance of these at Supermarket shelves.
We are working hard to bring goodness back to your home and have embarked on a project to revive a series of amazing chutneys and pickles. And everyone of them will be homemade, either by individual women operating from home and developing these as a hobby, or by collectives of women who are also looking to support their households with added income.